• Subscribe to My list- You Will Receive My Free ebook
    "How To Break The Stress Cycle- And Regain Happiness"

    lebanon,dbayeh highway, near le royal hotel, gss center.
    1-8 pm
    00961 81 460 586
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    If you are suffering from stress and its symptoms

    Or you would like to remove obstacles to achieve your goals , search no more

    Stress, anxiety , depression , ocd, add, adhd anger and others... can drain your life and cripple it.

    My methods are far more eminent than traditional psychology

    00961 81 460586 WhatsApp


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    Join Our Life and Stress Coach Certification Program!

    Become certified by the Complementary Medical Association of the UK under my guidance.

    This is your last chance to attend our workshop at such a low fee, offering rich knowledge compared to other programs costing thousands.

    (Date 18 20 22 25 27 29 / 6 to 8 pm via ZOOM ONLINE)

    While others charge $2000 or 3000$.

    ours is only a :

    "{{A few hundred dollars}}"


    It seems most lebanese unfortunately enjoy paying more thinking that its prestigious


    Well, mine too will not remain the same.

    Due to popular demand, our next workshop will be priced at no less than 2000$


    Secure your spot now for just a few hundred dollars before the fee increases!

    In addition, you'll receive two diplomas:

    one for life coaching and another for stress counseling.


    Our course is 70% more comprehensive than others, covering stress in physical, mental, and spiritual aspects extensively.

    What are you waiting for?

    Check out our website at




    or contact us via WhatsApp at

    +81 460586.

    Jad Mehanna





    Holistic Health Practitioner

  • Book A Phone or Video Consultation

    or book an appointment (if you live in Lebanon)

    Dbayeh highway, near le royal hotel

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    Consult with Jad Mehanna Office , ask your question, and we will reply.
    text Us on whatsapp/Regular Mobile Number +961 81460586

    Perhaps you are interested in finding your life’s purpose, understanding the lessons that you are here to absorb.


    or simply you are over STRESSED and you tried all kind of therapies with no results!!


    because stress is not address from 1 angle only!

    and it does not need many months or years!! (unless it's a deep personality disorder or psychosis that needs psychiatrics' intervention

    I will fully asses your state, symptoms before we start your road to healing.


    besides my studies and expertise as a STRESS and life Coach,

    CBT therapy

    also my knowledge in :

    transformational /spiritual coaching can offer support and guidance in traversing the landscape of life.



    Other topics and issues that you may be encountering


    How do I achieve more fulfillment? How do I cultivate passion and happiness in my life?

    What am I meant to be doing? What work sets my soul on fire?
    Why my Stress is not being healed?


    My Role is to help you make decision that feel in alignment.

    I can assist you in letting go of the restrictions You place on Yourself .

    A Transformational, spiritual coach asks you to show up for yourself, stand in your truth, and spend time uncovering what makes you happy. and therefore Unleash and heal your wounds and STRESS.


    You are Unique, thus your treatment will be Unique and specific for your case. the delicacy and sensitivity of being a human makes the whole difference. there is not one solution (fix-it-all).

    Whether Life, Stress, Transformation, Spiritual coaching, Nutrition, Body therapy, movements, breathing, meditation and other, you will find


    Accepting Oneself, Loving who you REALLY ARE., Working inwardly and outwardly to Transform Your life, is the best gift you can give to yourself.


    Blessings and Peace
    Jad M.

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    About Jad Mehanna

    Jad Mehanna, Mentor,Holistic health practitioner

    Life, Stress , and Spiritual coach.

    Health & STRESS Reduction Coach

    Studied Coaching since 2008, particularly Stress Management,Holistic Coaching, Transformational and spiritual coaching, combined with Nutrition and body therapies


    "Once you learn to reach the root of your being, all blockages and stress will vanish" ~Jad M.

    Accomplished musician, since year 2000, also studied Music therapy.

    My Mission in Life is to helps you connect to who you truly are. I work with you to change/re-direct/navigate your life, uncover your desires, take steps towards your goals, achieve your dreams, bust limiting beliefs, and remove roadblocks.

    Life & Stress Coaching

    Holistic health Practitioner and Stress coach,

    Within these fields, i can help you tremendously and professionally in :


    (Anxiety, depression, anger, sadness, mental health issues..chronic pain related to stress..)

    Trust me My program has More depth than any other, cause i have been there! and i target through my expertise all your basic concerns (anxiety, stress, depression, nutrition, pain, etc..) And targets holistically/naturally all your stress issues) (except extreme personality disorders)

    In the first session i will asses your body nutrients, i may refer you to an MD for a blood test, or asses your overall state through a questionnaire, which will provide me also with your brain hormones functioning (serotonin, dopamine, gaba, and other important neuro-transmitters)
    -I will listen to your needs, mental and emotional issues, then we can start your health trip through 5 to 10 session, depending on your case
    by using CBT, Stress Coaching, EFT, NLP, time line therapy, EMDR, and many other techniques"
    Or even using different coaching modalities

    The root cause can resides in your body, or mind, or your negative beliefs, and thought patterns.

    "when Body , Mind, and Soul are aligned, healing will take place!"



    Jad Mehanna Bio

    Certified Holistic health practitioner (C.M.A)
    Nutrition Consultant

    Transformational coach

    Spiritual teacher
    CBT therapist

    Stress management Coach

    Sacro- Cranial Therapist
    Trigger Point Therapist
    Body movement for Healing
    Music Therapist (healing with Music)



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    More Details about My Protocol and healing system

    How can you benefit from Stress coaching

    Health problems caused or exacerbated by stress include:

    1. Depression and anxiety
    2. Pain of any kind
    3. Sleep problems
    4. Autoimmune diseases
    5. Digestive problems
    6. Skin conditions, such as eczema
    7. Heart disease
    8. Weight problems
    9. Reproductive issues
    10. Thinking and memory problems

    Signs and symptoms of stress overload

    The most dangerous thing about stress is how easily it can creep up on you. You get used to it. It starts to feel familiar, even normal. You don’t notice how much it’s affecting you, even as it takes a heavy toll. That’s why it’s important to be aware of the common warning signs and symptoms of stress overload.

    Cognitive symptoms:

    • Memory problems
    • Inability to concentrate
    • Poor judgment
    • Seeing only the negative
    • Anxious or racing thoughts
    • Constant worrying

    Emotional symptoms:

    • Depression or general unhappiness
    • Anxiety and agitation
    • Moodiness, irritability, or anger
    • Feeling overwhelmed
    • Loneliness and isolation
    • Other mental or emotional health problems

    Physical symptoms:

    • Aches and pains
    • Diarrhea or constipation
    • Nausea, dizziness
    • Chest pain, rapid heart rate
    • Loss of sex drive
    • Frequent colds or flu

    Behavioral symptoms:

    • Eating more or less
    • Sleeping too much or too little
    • Withdrawing from others
    • Procrastinating or neglecting responsibilities
    • Using alcohol, cigarettes, or drugs to relax
    • Nervous habits (e.g. nail biting, pacing)




    How can you benefit from Spiritual coaching

    A spiritual coach is someone who helps you connect to who you truly are. They work with you to change/re-direct/navigate your life, uncover your desires, take steps towards your goals, achieve your dreams, bust limiting beliefs, and remove roadblocks.

    A spiritual coach uses a deeper, more holistic approach. They work with you on the operating system beneath your consciousness. I’m sure you’ve seen the human psyche descried as the iceberg floating in the water; a small portion of us showing to the world and a great big portion of us under the water hiding below the surface. A spiritual coach helps you go deep into the part of your iceberg that is below the waterline. When you are able to understand, work with, change and utilize this portion of your operating system, you are able to change your life.

    A spiritual coach will work with root causes instead of treating symptoms. Do you want to consciously create? Do you want to own your power? Do you desire growth, progress, abundance, love, and deep satisfaction from your life? The growth that is accomplished with a spiritual coach includes connection to the divine, working with the universe, taking control of your happiness, stepping into your power, shifting your subconscious, and much much more.


    Your default settings and subconscious thoughts

    Similar to your phone, we all have default settings. If you change how something appears in one part of your phone but don’t change the overall setting, it’s not going to carry over or make systemic change.

    If you change one action and one thought, but you do not work with the underlying parameters or subconscious programming for why you have the roadblock or issue in the first place, you treating a symptom instead eliminating the root cause.

    Most of our programing is implemented between the ages of 0-7. We are almost completely unaware of the process of this programming, of just how much information our subconscious mind tracks, files and uses on a regular basis.

    How we perceive things changes drastically moment by moment. Working with a spiritual coach will help you assess and re-program your conditioning so that you are using your unconscious thinking to your advantage. It will also help you to avoid your conscious mind saying/desiring one thing and working in complete opposition to your subconscious mind. If you desire to know how your mind works and shift your programming for your benefit, a spiritual coach is right for you.


    Release trauma, clear stagnation, heal old wounds and open energy blocks

    To bring in all amazingness that life has to offer first we have to have space for these great people, places, things, and ideas. As humans we tend to fear change and we appreciate stability.

    Shifting negativity, healing old wounds, and releasing stagnation can be hard for many of us. A spiritual coach will assist in getting into the stored trauma we have in our physical bodies, uncovering the ways in which old emotional wounds flare up in our current experience, and how areas of our energy system may have become under or overactive. Working with someone who can support these major and minor energetic shifts allows you to step forward as a clearer channel. Through this work, we call in lighter and brighter opportunities.

    I am sure most of us have heard the idea that it’s hard to call in new love with the remnants of the old relationship still lingering. This is the overarching principle. We must let go, purge, release, and shift that which no longer serves us to create space for the right person, the amazing promotion, the next great opportunity.

    In addition, stillness and space allow us to become a clear channel for new ideas as well. When we are trying to start a business, write a book, tap into our creativity, etc a spiritual coach can help you eliminate the chatter that keeps your mind from coming to center and focusing with enthusiasm.



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    Stress Management-empowerment Consultancy/Coaching For corporate

    For Corporate and Organizations- Get a copy of my resume. Or contact me for more info.

  • Life topics, Stress issues, Spirituality

    فيديوهات يومية ، نصائح حياتية ، ضغط نفسي

    Subscribe to my channel -إشترك في القناة -في اللغة العربية https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCR9d9gODP2H5oDFP4-dlIBw

    Daily Videos

    My full healing system

    برنامج متكامل لتحسين حياتك

    How to treat anxiety and fear

    Click on the menu , and visit all my DAILY videos in Arabic

    Tips about Depression

    نصائح للكأبة

    how to stop racing thoughts -توقيف الأفكار السلبية

    Courage and low self esteem - الثقة بالنفس والوضوح

    Why body exercise are important to our mental health along with a good nutrition

  • check and subscribe to my youtube Channel(English language)

    Daily Video tips in English From me and Famous Teachers

  • My Book :How to break the stress Cycle

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    How to break the stress cycle and regain happiness

    whatsapp 00961 81 460586 to buy this book

  • My Store

    Browse through my Books, Music Pieces and Books

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    10 music pieces, from my compositions, for piano lovers, reminding us of the era of clayderman, raul di blasio, yanni, through my own perception+10 music pieces MP3 ---> https://jad-mehanna-store.jumpseller.com/la-riviere-du-ciel-piano-book-with-mp3

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    My Largest Music collection -Original Pieces


    For all who recognize my music, and have been a loyal follower, on my social media platforms, or for new comers
    I present you a large collection of my music compositions, 7 albums into one download,
    75 music piece :Arabic, Mediterranean, piano, relaxing, songs, cinematic

    a variety that will take you to other worlds, and make you dream forever

    Music has been my reason to exist

    and i hope that these original music pieces, that has my soul in it, will plant in your heart a forever lay of hope, joy and bliss

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    Practical Tips for Chronic Stress E-book


    E-BOOK !! {Practical Tips For Chronic Stress} !!!

    In Only 50 pages, you will get info and tips, condensed in a nice, practical and light way, more than 10 heavy books.

    For you to heal From stress, you must understand it, get more info
    accept it
    learn tips from all 3 angles

    Trust me I have been there, and I'm sharing my knowledge as never read before

    From My perspective as a life coach, stress coach, nutrition consultant
    music composer, author

    you will not get this type of info in this clear matter anywhere


    you will get over 10 pieces of music, burn down a cd, and listen to it
    at home, car, and get relived immediately,
    these music are meant for your relaxation and healing
    they are from my composition too.

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    كيفية التخلص من الضغط النفسي ، وإستعادة الفرح والسلام الداخلي -شرح وحلول - كتابة جاد مهنا



    1. المقدمة
    2. من أنت؟ من أين اتيت؟
    3. معرفة جسدك.
    (الجانب المادي من وجودنا)
    4. كيف بدأ كل شيء؟
    5. دراسة الإختلالات الوظيفية للجسد وطرق العلاج
    6. لماذا يحب الجسد الحركة؟
    7. استكشاف عقلك وروحك
    8. قوة الوعي والعقل الباطن
    9. ما هو العقل؟ هل هو نفسه الدماغ؟
    10. الإختلالات العقلية
    11. السلوكين الأكثر قوة للعقل
    12. روحانية نفسك
    13. علاج نفسك جسدياً وذهنياً
    14. مفاهيم خاطئة شائعة
    نصائح عملية لإستعادة الوضوح والعقلانية

    إلى كل القراء:
    الآن وقد بات بعضٌ منكم يألف قناتي FB@stress.coach1
    أود أن اُشارككم هذا الكتيب المضاد للتوتر.

    إن إيجاد طريقة لحل مشكلة التوترليس أمراً هيناً بالفعل ولكن هذه الأيام بات التوتر شيئاً مهيباً حتى ظن أغلب البشر أنه لعنة يستحيل التخلص منها.

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    Relaxation Music : Stress Away
    takes you to a magical world

    Stream and download from your favorite apps and stores (click on pic)


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    Piano Soft classical album :

    "La Riviere Du Ciel"
    When words Stops, Music Starts...

    Stream and download from your favorite apps and stores (click on pic)